Using the Perfect Gift

Growing up, I loved video games, but my parents, well, didn’t. Every year I’d ask for Sega Genesis games (yep, just dated myself), and every year I wouldn’t get a single game. Books? Of course. A set of encyclopedias? Check. But a single, solitary,...

Who are you imitating?

I often grimace when I think about my first years in ministry. One of my many problems was the tendency to imitate other pastors instead of being myself. I remember spending so much time trying to imitate pastors I admired. Like many pastors, I went through my Rick...

Is God always with me?

There are some phrases in life that drive me nuts. I can’t stand when I’m told “I’ll be with you in a second.” What that often means is “I may be with you in a few minutes if I feel like it, but more then likely I won’t,...

Just be a man

What does it really mean to “just be a man?” We hear some variation of this phrase all the time. Just man up! Just be a man about it! What, however, does that really mean? The University of Manitoba conducted a study on what messages advertisers send about...

God desires more than complaining

It seems obvious that most of us believe our world today is exceedingly far from perfect. One only has to look on social media, watch the news, listen to political candidates, or peruse a public opinion poll to understand that many believe the world is on the wrong...