Out of the Deep

by | Oct 17, 2019 | Vital Men Devotions

Have you ever been going about your day and some random thought or song appeared in your head, seemingly out of nowhere?  It happens to me often, but the thoughts are not really out of nowhere.  At one time, you likely heard or saw that thing that popped into your current consciousness, even if you had mostly forgot about it.  Maybe it was a word or a note, but sometimes I even start to think of a song that I haven’t heard in years and all of a sudden, it is there.  If it is a good song, I may go look it up and listen to it, especially if it is tied to good memories.  Some things we are reminded of are not tied to good memories and may have several negative implications.  We try to ignore or forget some of these things, even if they were a part of making us who we are today.  Are there any memories you wish you could erase from your mind? 

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.  Luke 6:45

I spent 20 minutes one day working with a child and school staff on a preschool playground.  While I was there, much tattling went on.  Every few minutes a child would come over to the teacher and would say, so and so said this!  If it was a bad word, the child would whisper it to the teacher.  There were several bad or mean things mentioned that day, and I overheard several of them.  These kids were being taught which words were good and bad, not by their teachers, but by their peers, and indirectly by parents.  If you know young kids, you know it doesn’t take more than once for a child to hear a word, any word, and repeat it to others or in play.  They basically model what they see and hear.  Our 4 year old watches and models exactly how I stand, my posture, and where I put my hands, feet, etc.  It’s a little alarming at times, so I am more aware of what I say and do around him.  Mostly, I try to avoid doing anything that will be taken out of context, but also know it is just a matter of time before he does or says things he hears other places than at home.  Is there anyone watching and imitating what you are doing at work or at home now?

With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape.  Proverbs 11:9

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.  Proverbs 15:1

We can’t always unhear or unsee the things we encounter in life that we wish we would not have experienced.  We can fill our hearts and minds with good things that can help outweigh and overshadow most of the negative things though.  When we are in the Word on a regular basis, it helps us learn and know the heart of God much better and lets us incorporate those principles into our everyday lives much more easily.  We try to listen to teachers who speak the truth, even though there is much misinformation out in the world today.  If you are uncertain about something, go to God and to trusted friends for wise counsel.  God brings healing and freedom from past hurts and experiences and can even use these things to make us stronger in our faith.  Those who are forgiven much, have a greater ability to forgive others as well.  May you find healing from bad things you have experienced, and may you keep your eyes, ears, and heart from being hurt from those things in the future.  May you trust God with your life as you lean on His words and Counsel.

Yours in Christ,

VITAL Mission

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