What if God…

by | Jul 25, 2018 | Vital Men Devotions

8 years ago, God gave me a dream.  It is one of those dreams that is bigger than you and requires God to move or it will completely never take flight.  God spoke to me to plant a church, but not yet.  I don’t know if you have ever had to sit on a dream before, but it is rough!  I spend the next 4 years letting God birth a church in my heart.  Then something I did not understand happened. God asked me to let the dream die and tell my senior pastor I was letting it die.  That was one of the most painful things I have ever done.  Letting the dream God gave me die…

Ephesians 3:20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 21 Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Two years later, I met with a mentor of mine who gave me a prophetic word.  “God is calling you to plant a church.”  I left that meeting not sure what happened and went to Walmart to get some things and when I got out of my truck, I threw up. 

19 months later, after many incredible events and interactions that only God could set up, we are about to move to a suburb of Miami.  We are going to an area that is 97% unchurched.  So we are going to a place that is not looking for a church, needing money we don’t have, with a team we don’t have, and no guaranteed income when we get there.  Oh and I just had my 4th child. But what if God…

What if people joined us and prayed for God to move? What if God stirred people to give?  What if people moved to help us plant this church? What if people showed up?  What if marriages are restored?  What if dads begin following Jesus?  What if kids watch God change their dads life?  What if the public school sees a church serve them?  What if single mom’s find help in a church? What if people get healed?  What if addicts get freedom?  What if God changes a city?  What if God moves takes a family asking them to sell everything and leave familiar? What if we obey?  What if God…

When I turn 60, I will look back over my life.  I don’t want to play it safe.  I don’t want to do what is expected.  I want to live my life believing… What if God…  I don’t want to get to 60 and look back and wander… What if I obey?  What would God have done?

Now you… What if God did _______ in your life?  What if you obeyed?  What if you forgave? What if you forgave the debt?  What if you talked to them?  What if you gave until it hurts?  What if you started that business?  What if you sought God for a purpose in your life?  What if you obeyed?

Go to the Dream Giver and let Him give you a dream birthed in conviction!

If you want to hear more about my upcoming journey go to thevibrant.church

Recklessly, obsessively following Jesus

Brandon Sereg

VITAL Mission

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