1 Corinthians 1:28-29 New International Version (NIV)
28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.
Throughout the Old and New Testaments God chose the zero’s, the nobodies, to carry out his divine will. Abraham would be chosen to bring a new nation to the Promise Land while he was in his 70’s and living in Huvan.
How about Moses? He was confronted by God at a burning bush to bring God’s people out of bondage from Egypt. He told God that he could not speak, that he was tongue tied. He was chosen by God.
The disciples were considered uneducated men without qualities. You have the impetuous Peter, the quiet other brother Andrew, the hot heads James and John, the doubter Thomas, and the very social Philip. Jesus even brings a thief into the group name Judas.
Men will see other men with no character traits and call the zeros. They get beaten down, their past gets called out, and they may be broken.
I love what Jesus does with the so-called worthless zeros. He takes the zero and brings value to their lives when men make Him number one. He goes from a zero and puts the on in front of it and lives a life as a ten!
Men, we are on fire for Christ. With this fire Jesus’ Kingdom will be advanced. Will that be your story?
Strength and Courage