Many wealthy men when they get older start giving money away in philanthropy. They spend their lives building wealth and then they begin to give it away. Maslow was a famous phycologist that says there are 6 layers to the hierarchy of needs. First come things like food, shelter, and warmth. Second is safety and security. I will skip a couple layer and get to the last one. The last one is transcendence. Maslow did not include this one originally. Transcendence is the desire to be apart of something bigger than ourselves. It is deep in us to make a difference in someone else’s life.
I recently moved and I got a new barber. He shared with me how he went out with a young man to be a blessing to the homeless. He had a flashlight and some clippers and get several men a haircut. The barber is really good. So they got a great haircut! I know churches that give free oil changes for single moms. I know people who disciple middle schoolers. They are the real heros!
You see Maslow discovered what God spoke thousands of years before:
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
A masterpiece is a piece of art that is considered among the best of an artist’s career. So the God who created the artist has another standard of masterpiece. Have you seen a sunset lately? The mountains or ocean? God says you are His masterpiece. We live in a world that says look at your checking account, your car, or position to find your value. God says find you value in that He considers you a masterpiece! He prepared for you in advance good things to do. These things he has planned are matters of transcendance. They are to help other people live a better story. It is to lay down the way of this world that is self gain and self identity.
So what will you do this week to help someone else live a better story? What will you give yourself to really make a difference? It all comes down to serving others. You have a unique personality and a unique gift set. I will never give a haircut, sing over a microphone, or fix your car. It is not my gift. If you want to grow as a leader, need someone to preach, or fix something in your house I am your guy
So what is your gift set? What is your personality? A couple resources I recommend is Strength Finders for gift set. Also Meyers Briggs is great for a personality assessment. These and many others like them are great ways for find how you can “Make a Difference.”
Helping People Live a Better Story
Brandon Sereg