God is wiser

by | Oct 25, 2022 | Vital Men Devotions

God is wiser I live in a city of 1.3 million people in a developing country. Traffic, therefore, can be a nightmare. There are only three decent roads in the city, further complicating matters. The intersection where two of these meet is obviously a major choke point, where it is not uncommon to wait 15-20 minutes in the morning. A Major part of the problem is that a three-lane highway has to merge into two turn lanes, one going north and one going south. This would not be an issue if everyone politely merged into the two lanes. Many, however, believe the 3rd lane, which comes to an end, is their personal lane to bypass hundreds of other cars. I call it the “I’m better than you lane.” Those using this lane apparently believe their time is sufficiently more important than anyone else’s, justifying their budging. Their attempts to subsequently merge further complicate everything, slowing everyone down. In the end, they may gain a few seconds, while costing everyone else minutes. I share this because we are often the drivers in that third lane, thinking we are wiser than God and can make our own rules. We, however, need to remember that God is wiser than us. 

I share this because I see more and more Christians making exceptions to following God’s Word and commands. Many of us continually grasp for loopholes, exceptions, and exemptions from God’s commandments. “Well, come on, that really doesn’t apply today.” “Ok, I understand the Bible says that, but you can’t get ahead in my business without lying a little.” “Ok, yes the Bible says that but so many Christian leaders are hypocrites, so I also don’t need to follow everything.” At the root of these excuses lay a major misunderstanding. Many of us have come to believe that God’s commandments are primarily burdensome and not helpful. What we fail to understand is that God’s commands are a gift meant to help us in life. They are guidelines to help us avoid disaster and live a blessed life. 

By this, we know that we love the children of God when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:2-4

Look at what this passage says about following God’s commands. We don’t do it because we have to, we do it because God loves us, and we love God. These commands are given to us so that we may live the life that is best for us AND the world around us. We, therefore, follow not out of some blind zombie-like obedience, but out of our love for God. Stop trying to take the express lane because you think that God’s commands don’t always apply to you. Instead, remember that God is wiser than us. He has given us these commands to guide us through life. Let’s follow them and reap the blessings God has planned for us. 

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