Own Your Mistakes

by | Feb 16, 2021 | Vital Men Devotions

I recently had a friend write a confession on social media. He went into great detail about how he had messed up, how that mistake had affected others, what he had done about it, and what he was doing to address the issue in the future. I found such a social media post refreshing! Lets be honest: social media has become a place for bragging and fishing for compliments. To see someone use it to own a mistake was rather new and refreshing to me. And, let’s be honest, it’s even more surprising from a guy! For many of us men, admitting our mistakes publicly is one of the most terrifying things we can imagine. 

I don’t think its only on social media that we struggle to admit out mistakes and failings, but in every aspect of our lives. Get a speeding ticket? It’s the cops fault. Get in trouble at work? Your supervisor is out to get you. Let’s be honest: most of us believe our favorite sports teams are really undefeated, it’s only because of the refs that they ever lose! We are so quick to pass the blame in life, and so slow to actually admit when we make a mistake. Think about it this way: how many mistakes have you made today? Now, ask yourself this scary question: how many mistakes have you admitted and apologized for? If you are like me, the first number is likely MUCH larger than the second number!

I’ve always been amazed by David’s affair with Bathsheba. Here he is, the King and leader of God’s people, and he goes on a sinning spree. He starts by being a peeping Tom, standing on his rooftop checking out women as they bathe. Then, he has the best looking one forcibly brought to him. Soon, she is pregnant, so to cover it up he has her husband killed. Then the prophet Nathan is dispatched to confront David with his sins. Remember, this is a totalitarian King. He doesn’t have to listen to anyone. Back then, one would expect the King to execute anyone confronting him with something negative. But, that’s not what happens here. 

Here’s what Nathan says to him: This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave your master’s house to you, and your master’s wives into your arms. I gave you all Israel and Judah. And if all this had been too little, I would have given you even more. Why did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? II Samuel 12:7-9

And here is David’s IMMEDIATE response: “I have sinned against the Lord.” II Samuel 12:13

Nathan’s response is even more powerful: “The Lord has taken away your sin.” II Samuel 12:13

Like David we all sin, and we all need to hand our sins over to God so that he can forgive them. What sins are you not admitting and confessing to God? Which ones do you need to bring out into the open this week and lay at the foot of the cross? The greatest news of all time is that, like David, God will forgive every wrong you confess.

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