Peter – Leader Of Men

by | May 16, 2016 | Vital Men Devotions

Luke 5:5New International Version (NIV)

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

In the early stages in Peter’s life we see two men in conflict within one body. Simon was the earlier man, the one who was putting his foot in his mouth most of the time. He was making action without thinking.

Then we also see the other side of him who is Peter. This was the disciple Jesus called out in him. Whenever Jesus called him Peter, rather than Simon, it would bring him to an about face in his mind.

As men, we can have an inner battle as well. It can be one that calls out to our insecurities or to our boyish nature. Reacting rather than responding to most situations is one, and wanting to play the boy rather than the man is another. 

Jesus saw something inside of Peter that Peter could not see himself. If you read further in Luke 5, you see that Peter obeyed Jesus and caught a great deal of fish that day. They caught so many fish that the boat begins to sink. It was a awesome catch!

I like what is says in verse 8, ‘Peter falls to his knees before the Lord and asks him to please leave me, I am too much of a sinner to be around you.’ That is the truth. Every man on the planet is a sinner, but because of the love of Christ, he extends us grace.

Peter later became the ‘Rock’ in which Christ said that he would extend his church. True men of God see their sins. They fall on their knees asking for forgiveness and stand being real men who love Jesus. Are you ready to be a leader for Christ?

Strength and Courage



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