
If you haven’t already, make sure to sign up to get our dailydevotion email written by men, for men. Our devotional emails go out to men all around the world and cover a wide variety of topics and real-life situations.

Your Story

Everyone has a story if you take the time to hear it.  Most of our stories start off without much input from us at all, because we don’t get to choose where, when, or how we are born.  We don’t get much say about the family we are born into, our genetic makeup, or...


Give us this day our daily bread,  Matthew 6:11 How often do you get hungry each day?  Likely about 3-4 times before each meal or have a late night snack.  In our society with readily available and inexpensive food, we don't often know what real hunger is like. If you...

Life ain’t over till its over

Years ago, I attended a Franklin Graham event with the youth group I was leading. The event featured many of the top Christian bands and speakers. Nearly all of my students, however, left most impacted by the only two speakers I'd never heard of: Brian Welch and Lacey...

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