Psalm 130:1 Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD
How many people in life are walking around looking for love and forgiveness from their Father in heaven? Like all of us, you have probably messed up once or twice in your life. We all make mistakes. As it says in Ecclesiastes 7:20, “Not a single person on earth is always good and never sins” . However, there is also a danger in thinking that you are only a sinner. Every time we fall, there is the risk that we will be too discouraged to get back up again. The next step after sin is repentance; yet sometimes, we find it hard to move on. In Psalm 130 King David exclaims, “Out of the depths I call out to you…” David is referring to is the depths of sin. Sometimes when we sin, we feel so low and so far from God. We feel like we are deep in the gutters of life. How can we possibly climb out? How can we face our God again? We feel distant, unlovable, and unworthy. If we give in to those feelings of unworthiness, we will never be restored to our true selves. In Psalm 130 David reminds us that God is forgiving. He implores us to “put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption” (v.7). God is waiting for us, loving us, and anticipating our return so that He can forgive us. We just need to return to Him.