“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” – Romans 1:20

People will suffer tragedies. Loved ones will die. Injury can happen. It would be easy to become bitter, but you can turn your experiences into opportunities to praise God. Seeking to give Him glory. Echoing Paul’s letter to the Romans, He speaks through nature. We see Him through earth and air, sea and skies. We see Him in the sunrises and the sunsets. If we have discernment, we can recognize His influence all around us. We can be amazed by the diversity of His creation—streams and rivers, oceans and mountains, vegetables and trees, plants and flowers. It is because of His blessings that we receive our daily food and drink. Rejoice and be confident that there is a God. Ask Him to open your eyes to the wonders of creation. Be amazed by the diversity, beauty, and splendor. In His power and majesty, He is constantly showing His love for us. Don’t give in to bitterness, but fill your life with praise and thanks.

Reflection Question: How do you usually react to tragedies and difficulties?

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