Go Tell

by | Apr 22, 2019 | Vital Men Devotions

Mark 16:15 New International Version (NIV)

15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

This past weekend we celebrated Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, Jesus stayed with his disciples another 40 days before he ascended into Heaven. It has been noted that Jesus was seen by over 500 people. This is found in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.

The first people Jesus met was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. They were greeted by an angel in Matthew 28:5. The angel told them to not be afraid and he knew they were looking for Jesus. Jesus had risen as he had said he would.

As they were running from the tomb, what does Jesus do? He meets them on the way. It says they went to his feet and grasped them and worshiped him. He tells the women to go tell his brothers to leave for Galilee and wait for him there. Next week we will look at the charcoal fire.

The importance of this moment for the two Marys was they had seen him and that he had risen. Can you imagine that moment for a minute. The last time that they had seen him, he was nailed to a cross. Now they were filled with great joy.

Their joy moved the to GO TELL. How is your joy level today. I have a friend who asks me how my joy level is. 

Men, today we should be filled with great joy for what Jesus has done. He rose from the dead. Death could not defeat him.

Will you go tell? Jesus promised through the power of the Holy Spirit that he would give us courage.

Easter is not over. Jesus is returning.

Strength and Courage



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