Path to Life

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Vital Life Application Devotions

26 See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse—

Do you think it is amazing that God set before the Israelites a choice. There was a choice between a blessing and a curse. What would you do? We know what happened to many of the Israelites. Most of them chose the curse. They disobeyed. Did you know that you have that same choice today? You can live for yourself, or you can live for service to God. If you choose your own way, it is a path to a dead end road. When you choose God’s way, you are on the path to life and eternity with God. What path are you on today? If you are on your own path, it is not too late to change your course. Get down on your knees and ask for forgiveness, change your ways, and keep your eyes on Jesus. You will never regret this course of action.

Spirit and Truth

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