12 But who can discern their own errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.
Are you plagued by guilt? Do you worry that you have committed a sin and did not know it? When you do something wrong or mess up, do you feel shame? Do you do things with a selfish intention? Have you neglected to do what you should have done? Guilt plays an important role in bringing us to Christ and keeping us behaving rightly. But, do not let guilt cripple you or make you fearful. Bring everything, all mistakes, all poor intentions, anything to God right away. Work things out with him. Have a conversation. Discuss your weaknesses or faults or mistakes and sins. Ask for help in changing your ways. Ask for forgiveness and make a plan to make the change in your life. God forgives you when you ask for forgiveness and work to repent (change) from the wrong doing. When you bring everything to God, he helps you make changes in your life, and when you goof up, go to God right away and ask for strength and courage to conquer and to ask him to forgive you. Forgive yourself too, and move into freedom in your relationship with God.