Is God always with me?

by | Nov 28, 2023 | Vital Men Devotions

There are some phrases in life that drive me nuts. I can’t stand when I’m told “I’ll be with you in a second.” What that often means is “I may be with you in a few minutes if I feel like it, but more then likely I won’t, because you really aren’t important.” I know, that’s probably not what they’re thinking (unless they are a barista), but I sure fear it is. Another phrase I can’t stand, though I say it to my kids a lot, is “just be patient” (yes, I fully realize this makes me a hypocrite). I know I should be patient, but man, I really don’t want to be patient sometimes! And besides, telling me to be patient seldom helps. If anything, it just reminds me that I’m in a hurry and have no desire to be patient! I think another phrase that is in danger of invoking similar fillings in us is “God will be with you.” Is this actually always true? Is God always with me?

This phrase certainly didn’t seem to calm Gideon’s anxieties in Judges 6:11-17. This is a perfectly fine and true theological phrase, but we frequently misunderstand it. I’ll be honest, there have been times when I’m struggling with something and someone says “God is with you” that I don’t find the phrase overly helpful. Yet, it is always true that God is with us who have given our lives to Him. So, is God always with me? Let me break down what this means in the form of an acrostic, using the word WITH

Walks with Us: No matter what we are going through in life God is actively loving and listening to us. This is a REALLY  big deal. God never abandons us. I encourage you to get in the habit of regularly taking a break from the craziness of life to remember God’s love for you and to share your thoughts, concerns, and praises with He who is always listening. 

Inspires Us: God guides, helps, and inspires us by the Holy Spirit. What this looks like differs from person to person and situation to situation. The reality is that God moves and inspires. Sometimes its small nudges in our hearts. Other times God works through people in our lives. Sometimes its the Word or a sermon that moves us. Whatever method, God is with us to inspire us in ways both large and small. 

Teaches Us: God does not leave us to our own devices. He does not just toss us into this complicated world and tell us to simply figure it out. Instead, He teaches and advises us by the Word and the Spirit. We are so blessed to have the Bible, the inspired Word of God, to advise and teach us. Are you taking enough advantage of this amazing gift God has given us? 

Heals Us: God heals us from our sins and transgressions for all eternity. This is something that no one else could do, yet God does it freely for us. It is the absolute greatest way anyone could ever be with someone else, in good times or bad. 

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