Genesis 3:5 New International Version (NIV)
5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
Adam and Eve got what they wanted. They wanted an intimate knowledge of both good and evil. They got this knowledge by disobeying. The results were disastrous. They had the illusion that this freedom of knowledge was best for them. They thought they knew what was best. Sometimes we can have this illusion that we know best and that freedom is doing anything we want or feel like doing. This is all a lie and leads to hard times and uncomfortable consequences. God’s restrictions or boundaries are for our good. You know as a parent, you do not just let your small child run amuck and do whatever he or she wants. That will lead to a disastrous accident or worse. Restrictions or boundaries help us avoid evil and sin. Do not listen to the world’s temptations. Satan is in this world, and he uses many tactics to make us stumble and fall. You can learn more about life by reading God’s Word and living within his loving boundaries. He has plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. He has plans for a hope and a future. Follow the Lord whole heartedly.