Are You Maturing?

by | Jan 16, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways … we see in a mirror dimly.”—1 Corinthians 13:11–12

Even as adults, we sometimes talk like children, think like children, and reason like children. Paul explained that we need to go through the process of being less like children and more like mature adults. This involves conscious decisions to put away childish things. We begin to realize that we have choices to make. As we trust in God, He is ready to help and give us the strength and ability we need. Paul made clear that a key step in this process is realizing our limits. No matter what we see, we see things “imperfectly.” No matter what we know, what we know is “partial and incomplete”. Along the path toward spiritual maturity, we reach important conclusions. When we realize how little we know and how much we need God, we are humbled. We see that we cannot succeed on our own but need to depend on the presence and power of the Spirit. We realize why we need to be people of prayer, constantly seeking God for direction, protection, and wisdom. Ask God to help you mature in your faith, no matter your age or how long you have been a believer. Humble yourself before God. Repent of pride. Cry out to Him for wisdom. Ask Him for clarity and discernment. Learn to be more sensitive to His Spirit. Ask Him to give you an outpouring of love for others.

Reflection Question: As you are maturing in the Christian faith, what are you learning?

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