As You Go

by | Feb 6, 2020 | Vital Men Devotions

Is there anyone you would like to have a conversation with today?  Maybe a famous politician or sports start, or historical figure you have always wanted to ask some questions of?  What would you ask them, and what would you like to talk about?  The past few weeks, Democratic candidates for President of the United States were courting Iowa voters and actively seeking to speak with us and even take some questions if you were willing to go to them and maybe wait in line a little.  I’ve had opportunities over the years to ask a question or two of candidates and of some who would even become president.  Would they remember talking with me…likely not, but would I remember talking with them…I guess so.  How about people in your life you see most every day…is there anyone there you would like to sit down and have coffee and a conversation with sometime?  I sure do. 

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Deuteronomy 11:18-19

The problem is that I rarely make time to sit and talk about the important things in life with those I care about, and even with those I work with, or have some type of relationship with.  It’s odd, but it’s as if I am waiting for the ‘perfect moment’ for schedules to work out and have free time to talk to someone.  How about important conversations with your own children?  I was reminded this past week that we are to talk about God, scripture, life lessons, etc all the time, and not just during special moments.  Sure, there will be unique teachable moments and special occasions that stand out, but it should be in our routines regularly, if not every day.  At breakfast, driving to/from things, waiting in line, during meals, as a bedtime routine, during regular phone calls when we are away…all the time.  Does that always happen?  No, but if we are intentional about it, it will happen more often. 

As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’  Matthew 10:7

So, if you don’t find yourself getting opportunities to sit down and talk, pray, and discuss life with your spouse, kids, friends, family, adversaries, or anyone else you have opportunities to engage with, make it a priority.  When life is busy, schedule times to sit and rest with someone for 25 minutes.  Have a list of things to go over and even if you don’t hit everything, you will have at least gone over something.  Also, a 20 second prayer with someone is better than none at all.  You don’t have to always ‘get it right’, but the intention and act of doing it often speaks more than words can say.  Make time to share what’s important in life as you go through each day.  May you be blessed in doing so. 

Yours in Christ,

VITAL Mission

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