Habits that Defeat Lions

One of the first Bible stories most of us learned as Children, even if we didn’t frequent a church, was likely Daniel in the lions’ den. It is an amazing story both of Daniel’s faith and God’s faithfulness. A part of the story that is often missed is all the work...

Real Change for 2021

For decades, General Electric (GE) was the model company. Seemingly everything it touched turned to gold, making it a company everyone wanted to be a part of. Among the many things GE was famous for was leaders who always delivered. If the company President set an...

Getting Results

I am writing this while doing what I do a lot of these days: sitting at the pool while my daughter swims. I’ve learned over the past few years that being a swimmer takes a rather ridiculous amount of hard work. It requires knowing all the strokes and practicing them...

Fake Comfort

A few years ago, my family and I spent a year apart due to civil unrest here in Nicaragua. This was difficult on a daily basis, but come April it was almost impossible. Not only had it been a long time without family, but living in Nicaragua in April is like living on...

Yours, Not Mine

When I was a Pastor stateside I often coordinated local work days in my community. I would typically get harassed on these days because I often ended up driving from site to site and never actually doing any construction work (being in charge does have its benefits)....