Discover Purpose

I met a guy not too long ago, that wrecked me.  He asked me how I was doing.  I gave my usual answer “Living the dream.”  He got really somber, which is not like him.  He said you do not know how lucky you are.  Now this guy has a six figure income and his...

Find Freedom

What do you think of when you think of freedom?  Some might think of the civil war, others William Wallace in Braveheart, and some vacation.  All of us know there are people who are oppressed and are treated as less than.  I was at a pastors conference recently where...

Know God

Before Jesus, there was a mediator to meet with God.  You could not go to God on your own even to make a sacrifice, but had to go to a priest to stood the gap.  If you were not Jewish or a woman you could only go so far into the temple.  If you were clean, you could...

Something New…

Last week as I was getting ready to go for a run, I realized that my running shoes were in my wife vehicle.  So I put on a different pair of shoes.  Any runner knows not all shoes are created equal.  I ran less than normal and slower than normal but hurt way more.  I...

I love the “C”hurch!

In late Sept of this year, I went to visit a church plant (Sozo Church) in San Francisco.  It was incredible!  The church is about one year old.  Before they gathered at 6 am to transform a middle school into a gathering of the church, they prayed.  When I say they...