Don’t Forget God

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Vital Men Devotions

There is a TikTok phenomenon influencing the moods of millions of people every day. Each morning a dog owner picks up his pug Noodle and drops him a short distance to the ground. If Noodle’s legs fall out from under him it’s a “no bones day” (because it looks like he has no bones in his legs). This means that everyone is going to have a bad day. If, however, he lands and remains standing it’s a “bones day,” and everyone is likely to have a great day. Sounds silly right? Yet, millions of people (including some in my house) are waking up every morning and anxiously checking whether or not its a “bones day.” Their mood literally hangs on whether a dog chooses to stand. 

While I’m guessing most of us don’t let our mood be determined by a dog named Noodle, our moods are always changing. We have good days, and we have bad days. We have days when we feel very connected to God, and days when we feel incredibly distant. In this world of sin we temporarily traversing we are likely to ride a roller coaster of good and bad days. Yet, even on the worst of days, our mood should never get too low. That is because we have the Creator, Savior, and Sustainer of the universe on our side. I think one of the biggest reasons we let bad days turn into terrible days is that we forget who God is. We fail to remember all that God has done not only for us, but for all of creation. If we want to have a good day, even on a really bad one, we need to make sure that we don’t forget God. Checkout these two passages from the Psalms: 

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands.
I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land.
 Psalm 143:5-6

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? Psalm 77:11-13

Everyday we should be taking time to remember who God is. How has God blessed you ? How did God bless others in Scripture? How have you seen God working around you? Don’t forget God during the hustle and bustle of life. Be forever reminded of how awesome and good He not only has been, but forever will be. 

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