Faith for the Journey

by | Jan 20, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

 Numbers 33:1 Here are the stages in the journey of the Israelites when they came out of Egypt by divisions under the leadership of Moses and Aaron.

Have you ever had the experience of looking back on your life’s journey and finally understanding what God was doing? Life is full of ups and downs and most of the time we just don’t know what God has planned for us. As time passes and we gain perspective. God’s plan becomes clearer for us to see. It is so important to take time to reflect on your journey and give thanks to God for leading you through. God commanded Moses to record the more than forty locations where the children of Israel camped during their sojourn in the desert. Other than the names of places, there is almost no information in this long list. Most of these places were not even the location of any significant event along the way. What was the point of recording this list in the Bible? God commanded Moses to record all the places where Israel traveled and camped so that future generations would recall all the miracles that God performed for the children of Israel. They would see that most of these locations were in the barren desert where there is no food or water. Future generations would be able to appreciate how God sustained Israel along the way and gain faith for their own journey ahead as well. Look back on your own life and see where God has been at work and strengthen your faith.

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