Give Freely

by | Oct 18, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Matthew 10:8 “…Freely (without pay) you have received, freely (without charge) give…”


God has freely given to us—so we should freely give to others.

This also applies to our gifts, talents and abilities, after all it all originated with God in the first place. He gave us our gifts and talents to use to further the kingdom of God. We can use it for God’s glory. Our gifts are meant for encouraging and uplifting others, and for helping others out.

Whatever gifts & talents we have received from God, we can use to share freely with others. Our motive should be first of all, to share something of our faith in God. It should not be a matter of what we can get out of it.

God’s grace has always been ‘free’. God has freely given to us, so freely we give in the spirit of love.

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