
by | Aug 19, 2019 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Job 5:17-26 New International Version (NIV)

17 “Blessed is the one whom God corrects;
    so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.
18 For he wounds, but he also binds up;
    he injures, but his hands also heal.
19 From six calamities he will rescue you;
    in seven no harm will touch you.
20 In famine he will deliver you from death,
    and in battle from the stroke of the sword.
21 You will be protected from the lash of the tongue,
    and need not fear when destruction comes.
22 You will laugh at destruction and famine,
    and need not fear the wild animals.
23 For you will have a covenant with the stones of the field,
    and the wild animals will be at peace with you.
24 You will know that your tent is secure;
    you will take stock of your property and find nothing missing.
25 You will know that your children will be many,
    and your descendants like the grass of the earth.
26 You will come to the grave in full vigor,
    like sheaves gathered in season.

Eliphaz’s words in Job show a view of discipline that pain can help us grow. This is good to remember when you face hardship and loss. Job did not understand why he was suffering, but his faith in God grew. God does not eliminate all hardship when we follow him closely. Good behavior is not always rewarded with prosperity. Rewards for good and punishment for bad are in God’s hands. Rewards and punishment are given out according to God’s time frame. Do not let the world’s cultures or Satan cause you to doubt God’s love and faithfulness toward you.

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