Revelation 4:11 “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.
God is so worthy to receive glory, honor and power. But how do we give Him the glory due to His name? We know that God already has glory, honor and power, so how does He receive it from us? As we live our lives for Him, we live in a way that glorifies Him and brings Him honour. Our lives, as believers, represent Him if we live to the glory & honor of Him—not ourselves! It’s not only with our lips that we glorify and exalt God, but it is also by our lives that we must express this—in action!
We must remember that He created us, and we only exist because of His ‘will’. Therefore, He wants us to live a life that brings Him all the glory and honor He deserves, and in so doing, we show Him that He is so worthy to receive our adoration—above anything or anyone else! We need to see God as ‘worthy’—worthy of all our praise and worship, and value Him more than anything else in our lives. Maybe we need to pause and consider the things in our own lives, whether there is anything we value more than the Lord—and ask God to help us to desire it less and Him more. Fasting from it, from time to time, may be a good way of honoring God in that area and putting Him back in His rightful place—the throne of our hearts. And He in turn, gives us a life to live that we can really enjoy and have in abundance. He has a purpose and plan for each of us, and we have created value.
We must never bring dishonor to Him or to His name by our actions or thoughtless words—it’s so important to be mindful of this. It’s vital that we are mindful of ‘how’ we live out our faith before the watching world—and God can help us with this as we continually give ourselves over to Him. He empowers us through His indwelling Holy Spirit.
In every little way, in the details of our lives, let us glorify God the Father and bring Him honor—because He is so worthy!