In Need of a Light

by | Feb 22, 2022 | Vital Men Devotions

Like many young men, I took many intricate steps to plan the perfect proposal for my girlfriend. I was working at a church camp, and I decided to propose at the top of a hill with a huge cross overlook the Big Sioux River. Initially, everything went off perfectly. We went out to dinner, came back to camp, and took a flashlight guided hike through the woods. When we climbed to the top of the hill I got down on one knee, took out the ring (which cost me a ridiculous portion of my summer salary), and asked her to marry me. I then reached for my trusty flashlight to illuminate the gorgeous (and did I mention expensive?) ring for her, as it was a pitch black night. It was then that I discovered to my absolute horror that the flashlight had slid down the hill. I was suddenly desperately in need of a light. We spent the next several minutes on our hands and knees searching for the flashlight. I know, incredibly romantic! FINALLY, we found the flashlight and I was able to show her the ring and finish the proposal 

There are many times in life that we simply need a light to clearly illuminate our way. It may be on a dark trail, when the power goes out, etc. A flashlight quickly becomes our best friend. It is, however, not only physical light that we often need. Almost everyday we find ourselves needing something to show us how to navigate through all the difficulties of this world. People spend literally billions of dollars each year trying to figure out how to navigate life. They buy books, go to seminars, watch YouTube videos, take pills, etc. to try to shine a light on navigating life. This is far from a new phenomenon. In Jesus’ time people of all types, from the most pious of Jews to the most secular of gentiles, were looking for a light to illuminate their dark world. Then, one day, Jesus announced that their wait (and indeed our wait) was over.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Give the following a thought: are you allowing God to illuminate your path for you? Are you trusting and following His Word, the Bible? Are you being open to the nudging and guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do you follow the advice and example Christ Jesus so clearly set forth in Scripture? The reality is, we have been given the most effective and powerful flashlight for navigating this complex and dark world we live in. Far too often, we lose it or choose to not follow it, and lots of problems quickly come our way. We need a light, and God desperately wants to be that light for us. 

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