It is Well

by | Feb 10, 2022 | Vital Men Devotions

How are you doing today?  Good, and you?  That’s the usual exchange when we see one another.  Do you ever open up and share with anyone when things aren’t so good?  Some family members and myself have been sick recently and we are all improving now.  When one or more members are sick, we do the best we can to try and keep others from getting sick as well, but sometimes it feels like a futile endeavor.  I always find it interesting how one or two may catch something, but the others seem to get by without it.  Or maybe some have more visible symptoms, while the others don’t.  Regardless, when some kids are sick, as a parent, you want to do whatever you can to help them get through things as quickly as you can.  We care for them, get them medicine, pray for them, and just walk with them till they are back to normal.  What is your first response when a loved one gets sick, either with a cold, or something more serious?  

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.    Psalm 41:3

We are often humbled when things such as an unexpected illness fall upon those we love.  When we have done whatever is within our power to do, and the outcome is still uncertain, its at those times we often look to God to help us out.  There have surely been times when our prayers are answered and their health is restored, as expected through the flu, or almost miraculously as when healed of cancer.  There have most likely been times when our prayers have not been answered and they end up leaving us sooner than expected.  We may even ask why things didn’t go how we wanted and prayed in those situations, but had in others.  Do we still trust the Lord wherever things don’t go our way?  Only you know how your faith has grown or not in the face of these challenges in life.  May you continue to grow in the face of illness and death, and ultimately find your full joy when we meet our Lord and loved ones face to face again.  

When peace like a river attendeth my way

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say

It is well, it is well with my soul

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.    1 Peter 2:24

Yours in Christ,


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