
by | Feb 5, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Matthew 13:45 “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.”

Pearls are something that are worn on occasions that called for the finest dress. There is something elegant about a string of pearls.  A merchant looking for fine pearls, Jesus says, is like the kingdom of heaven. If you are a merchant, your business depends on the skill of knowing the value of the goods you buy and sell. Jesus says this merchant is looking for fine pearls. Do we look for fine pearls, or do we settle for what the world tells us we need: bigger houses, more exotic vacations, more and more stuff—all of which decays or is soon forgotten? If a merchant is someone who profits from the buying and selling of things, then why would the merchant in our verse for today sell everything he had in order to buy just one pearl of great value? Again, this is about setting all your other values aside and putting God’s kingdom first in your life. Is the kingdom of heaven more valuable than the life you have now? Absolutely, for it means full, flourishing life forever! Do all you can to obtain this pearl of great value. What’s more, it’s a free gift through Jesus by God’s grace!

Lord, I see the pearl you are offering, and you have already paid the price for it. Thank you! I want to seek your kingdom and your righteousness, and I want my family and friends to see that there is nothing else like it. In your name, Amen.

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