You are not a powerless. You have more power than you can even fathom.
“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you” (Romans 8:11).
Remember how Paul encountered believers in Ephesus? They believed Jesus rose from the dead. But when pressed by Paul about the Holy Spirit, they were all like: “We’ve never even heard of that—the Holy Spirit? God within us?” (See Acts 19).
God was working so powerfully that people would touch Paul’s handkerchiefs and be healed. People started bringing their sick people along the roadsides, on the chance that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by, so they would be healed. It’s your turn. We are the generation of people called to do more than stand in awe at the empty tomb. We are called to move, to run, to preach, to serve, to dance, to minister, to pray, to take risks, to believe this truth: The SAME POWER that raised Jesus from the DEAD lives in you.