Read God’s Word

by | Jul 31, 2020 | Vital Life Application Devotions

But it was your own eyes that saw all these great things the Lord has done.

Israel had strong reasons to believe in God and obey. They had witnessed mighty miracles that demonstrated God’s love and care for them. But, the Israelites still had trouble remaining faithful. Does it seem difficult to obey God and remain faithful for you today? Just think, the Israelites had major miracles that happened right before their eyes. Do we have that today? We have the Bible. This is a written record of God’s acts throughout history. When you read God’s Word, it will give you a panoramic view of all the miracles that Israel lived, and you get to learn about other miracles they did not see. The lessons of the past will give you instructions for the present, and a glimpse into the future. Use your Bible reading time as opportunities to strengthen your faith in God.

Spirit and Truth

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