Serve God According to Your Spirit

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Vital Life Application Devotions

Numbers 27:15-16

Moses said to the LORD, “May the LORD, the God who gives breath to all living things, appoint someone over this community…” 

According to Their Spirit

Ss Moses neared the end of his life, he asked God to appoint his successor as leader of Israel. The phrase “the God who gives breath to all living things” is unusual. Why did Moses refer to God this way at this time? What Moses said to God was, “You know the spirit of each and every one of the children of Israel. No two of them have the same thoughts or feelings. Please appoint a leader who will bear the burden of each of them according to his spirit.” God created each of us with a unique spirit. The strength of God’s people lies in the ability of each person to be valued for their own unique contribution to His kingdom. Moses understood and respected that uniqueness. He knew that the key to good leadership, and to all relationships, is the honoring of each and every person “according to their spirit.” What makes you unique? What is your special strength with which you can serve God?

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