Spiritual Zeal and Vigilance

by | Aug 11, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

1 Thessalonians 5:5-6 For you are all sons of light and sons of day. We do not belong to the night nor to darkness. So then let us not sleep [in spiritual indifference] as the rest [of the world does], but let us keep wide awake [alert and cautious] and let us be sober [self-controlled, calm, and wise].


In these last days, we need to have a zeal and passion for God. We need to ask God to stir up a hunger for Him and for the kingdom of God—instead of being caught up in the world and all it offers.

When we come before God, truly wanting a hunger for Him and acknowledge that we have been seeking our satisfaction in other things rather than in Him, He will develop that hunger in us and cause us to be zealous for Him. He will fill us to the full with Himself, so that we will be completely satisfied in Him.

But we need to truly desire to go even deeper in Him—experiencing Him more deeply than we ever have. We need to be still in His presence and linger there a little longer, instead of rushing off to do other things.

And as we live in this kind of relationship with God, we will not be indifferent to Him, and we will also be aware and alert to the things of God. We do not live in spiritual darkness, but in God’s light. So, we must shake off spiritual apathy and be clothed in the armor of God—always ready for the day Christ returns.

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