The Veil

by | Jan 5, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“To this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed … the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”—2 Corinthians 3:15–17

Despite all the evidence, why do some people simply reject the Gospel and refuse to believe? Why do some seem unmoved by the sincere testimony of believers? Why do some find it hard to respond, no matter how clearly the Gospel is presented? One reason? Paul explained that a veil lies over their heart. He was writing about Jews, but this same principle applies to all unbelievers. Even if they hear inspiring sermons, read the Bible, and hear powerful testimonies, they seem closed and non-responsive. That is true for people all around us. Some reject the things of God and anything related to the Gospel. Others believe in God, go to church, and even participate in religious activities, yet still do not grasp the deeper things of God. For one reason or another, they reject the full Gospel. They are spiritually blind. They cannot see God’s ways or understand His words. We need to pray that God would send His Spirit to liberate them and that the veil will be removed so they can be free. Think about people you know who do not believe or who need a spiritual spark. Pray that the spiritual veil will be lifted from their eyes. Pray that the spiritual blinders will be removed. Pray that the Spirit will set them free. Pray that the Spirit would move upon their hearts and minds that they might see. Pray and keep praying.

Reflection Question: How can you share the Gospel with unbelievers you know?

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