
by | Aug 11, 2022 | Vital Men Devotions

Did anyone ever tell you that you were not living up to your full potential?  Maybe in High School, you got by without putting a lot of effort into some classes, or maybe you put more effort into sports or other activities than you did some other things.  We all have likely not put our full effort into our jobs, our role as father, husband, or friend at times, but does that mean we will never be any good at something?  If you are like me, maybe it took you longer to learn some things than others, but that doesn’t mean you will never be any good at something, unless you keep telling yourself so.  I have a class reunion this year, but won’t likely be making it back to meet in person, though it was good to catch up with some classmates in the past.  Did most of your classmates you graduated with turn out how you thought?  Did you?  

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.  Psalm 16:9

We don’t always know how things will turn out with our plans this year,  in our careers, in relationships, with our children, or in most any part of our lives.  We may even feel that we are not living up to our full potential right now.  Not all of my ideas and plans have turned out how I initially thought, even the good ones, but I still learned something from the experience, regardless.  I may even have a chance to do great things for others in ways I did not expect, but I may also miss them if I am not paying attention.  We have to remain open and see opportunities to act as God’s ambassadors in every season of life, and each day when opportunities present, even if it is not in an ‘area we were trained for, or naturally good at.’  God doesn’t always or often use the well prepared to carry out His plans, but can use anyone who avails themselves, even you and me.  

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:14

So, even if you were not the most likely to succeed in anything when you graduated High School, there is still hope.  When we see opportunities to step into a situation to bring about good, and speak the truth, and encourage others, we are doing what God made us for.  Even if we are doing seemingly insignificant things in some areas of our lives right now, we may still be preparing for something different yet to come, but it may not always be on our own timing.  May you find opportunities to do small and great things for God’s Kingdom every day!

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Yours in Christ,

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