
by | Jan 24, 2024 | Vital Life Application Devotions

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you.” – Matthew 6:33

For centuries, the legends of treasure have captured the imagination of people. Legends have been sparked telling of untold wealth and treasure. Hidden treasure is there for the finding. Over time legends grow. Treasure hunters look, dig, and dream. Adventurers fail in their quests to find treasure. Even if there was wealth, over time, worldly wealth disappears. Today, people still seek riches and fame, believing these will bring lasting satisfaction. But like those who have pursued treasure ,ultimately no earthly treasures last. God promises lasting blessings for His people. The key is seeking first His Kingdom, being good stewards of the resources He gives, and trusting Him.

Commit your life to God. Serve Him with your whole heart. Trust Him to bless and provide for you.

Reflection Question: What treasures and talents can you give for God’s glory this week?

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