True Christian Prosperity

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Vital Life Application Devotions

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually].


The prayer of John is that we succeed and prosper and be in good health, just as our souls prosper (spiritually). It’s a real blessing to both prosper physically & spiritually, after all, God’s desire is for us to be successful and to prosper in what we do. This is all part of having life in abundance—the abundance God gives us as His children. As we seek God first and pursue Him, making Him always the object of our pursuits, we will prosper and succeed.

True prosperity isn’t storing up treasures for ourselves; it may not even be in the area of ‘wealth’ and things of ‘materialistic value’. But if it is, it would be for the benefit of others—sharing our resources. God never intends for us to invest in ourselves—our wants and materialistic desires—but we are to invest in the kingdom of God. Life is not about making lots of money so that we can have a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle for ourselves. It’s not about our own ease and comfort. God causes us to be successful and prosperous in business so that we can be a blessing to others. When God is central in everything, including our jobs, careers and business enterprises, He blesses us, and our souls will also prosper and grow more Christ-like in character.

This is how our souls prosper by putting Him first in our everyday moments and keeping Him on the throne of our hearts as Lord and King—coming under His Lordship! Our souls prosper because we choose to give God the Lordship of our whole lives, and as a result, we prosper and succeed in all areas of our lives. So, as we prosper spiritually, may God also prosper us physically—especially in the work of our hands and in the area of our health. But even in those times when we may be weak physically, we mustn’t allow our spiritual prosperity to weaken, but to continue to stand strong in the Lord.

We not only flourish in these areas, but also in the area of ‘ministry’. God blesses our ministries and our witness of Him, bringing the increase to our heavenly credit.

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