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Repairing the Temple
KBOE Radio message for June 2, 2024, with Mike Sereg: REVIVE | REBUILD | REPAIR: Repairing the Temple will Repair our Hearts
Dirty, stinky, pigs
This past week I’ve been out in “the bush” of Nicaragua visiting communities without electricity, water, medical care, education beyond 6th grade, and more. A interrsting aspect of this communities is that the livestock is very much communal. There are no barns,...
Ezra Rebuild the Temple
KBOE Radio message for May 26, 2024, with Mike Sereg: REVIVE | REBUILD | REPAIR: Ezra Rebuild the Temple.
A month ago, I was driving to an appointment 25 miles away and about eight miles out I started seeing signs and came to a stop to wait for a pilot car, delaying my arrival by 10-15 minutes. I was a bit dismayed, as I was late to my visit, and something that I now...
Measuring Success
As a runner, I often get asked how I did on a particular run or race. I find such questions particularly vexing because success in running is extremely relative. A 44-minute 10K would be a disaster for many runners, but for me it would be a personal best. Getting on...
Mothers Day with Kennetha
KBOE Radio message for May 12, 2024, with Mike Sereg: Mothers Day with Kennetha.
Failing to listen
A common theme in the Old Testament is God’s people failing to listen to His commands. How often do we face the same problem? Are we too failing to listen?
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