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Losing Control
Something that seems to quickly send people into a panic is losing their phone, if even for just a moment. I know from personal experience that losing sight of my phone, even for the shortest of times, creates a sense of terror within me. Without my phone, I lose my...
The Suffering Servant – Rises!
KBOE Radio message for Easter Sunday - March 31, 2024, with Mike Sereg: The Suffering Servant - Rises!
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Community EASTER EGG Hunt in New Sharon at the North Mahaska High School Gym, Saturday, March 30 from 9:00-11:00. There will be a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt, Bouncy Houses, Face Painting, Coffee Bar and Fun Kid Drinks, Treats/Refreshments, and Music. All kids and families...
Warrior Breakfast at the Lighthouse Church, New Sharon
April 6 will be the last Warrior Breakfast for the spring and summer seasons of 2024. The Warrior Breakfasts will be back in the fall of 2024. Looking forward to next fall.
Judged in our place
As we head into Easter, I want to encourage us to spend time preparing to celebrate the atoning death and victorious resurrection of Christ Jesus. I have found the lack of reflecting upon the events of Holy Week to be a vital element missing in the Nicaraguan...
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Community EASTER EGG Hunt in New Sharon at the North Mahaska High School Gym, Saturday, March 30 from 9:00-11:00. There will be a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt, Bouncy Houses, Face Painting, Coffee Bar and Fun Kid Drinks, Treats/Refreshments, and Music. All kids and families...
The Suffering Servant Comes on the Back of a Donkey Colt
KBOE Radio message for March 24, 2024, with Mike Sereg: The Suffering Servant Comes on the Back of a Donkey Colt
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