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Twas the Night after Christmas

Twas the Night after Christmas, and all through the house, all the creatures were stirring, including the dog, the parents, and several sick children.  This has been our world for the past few days with fevers spiking and a general feeling of not being well.  After...


Over the past several days, I have heard my children comment several times with some glee, ‘Five days till Christmas!’  It is evident that they are looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year, as in years past.  I recall when I was about the same age in the...

Seeing Stars

Last night was supposed to be one of the best chances of the year to see shooting stars, as the annual Gemenids meteor shower hits its peak.  I stepped outside briefly and didn't see any meteors, but did notice Orion and the Pleiades and was equally in awe, even...

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