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Christmas Complaints?
When I was an elementary school child, the time of year that seemed to last forever was the few weeks leading up to Christmas. This Advent season was filled with anticipation and a variety of traditions that reinforced that feeling. We put up the tree and...
Getting Ready for Christmas
Recently p, I've reflected on some of the big things I've prepared myself for in my life. In college I had to write and defend a senior thesis, which I started the first day of classes, and poured myself into until the day I defended it. I read over 20 books, met with...
A Star Of Hope
KBOE Radio message for December 14, 2024, with Mike Sereg: A Star Of Hope.
Jesus our King
I'll admit, I'm not that into Christmas music. There are some Christmas songs I love, and others I could survive without (looking at you Mariah Carey!). One of the songs on my naughty list is We Three Kings of Orient Are. I'm a stickler for biblical and historical...
The Journeys
KBOE Radio message for December 8, 2024, with Mike Sereg: The Journeys
Getting Out of the Boat
I recently heard someone say that their way of discerning when God was speaking in their life was based on the perceived difficulty of what was being asked. If it was something difficult, they rationalized God must not be asking that, for God would only ask them to do...
What times in your life have you felt the most Thankful? Whether it was in gratitude toward what someone else had done for you, or a feeling of being blessed, or just thankful to be alive? For me, a few things come to mind. First are the moments I’ve experienced...
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