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Day of the Living
Yesterday was a holiday called Dia de los Muertos, or day of the dead, which is celebrated in Mexico, and a few other Latin American cultures. Some tie this in with Halloween, or Reformation day and in our American culture, these things tend to get jumbled together,...
The Mountain of Government
KBOE Radio message for October 29, 2023, with Mike Sereg: Seven Mountains of Influence - The Mountain of Government.
For Granted
We live in a society where it is relatively easy to eat several meals each day, buy gas for your vehicle, see your doctor, charge your cell phone, and walk safely along the sidewalks in most every neighborhood. We order our coffee, go to our jobs, plan parties and...
Who do you think you are?
As contemporary men we can think we need to be independent, strong, and powerful. Who do you think you are? We need to seek our identity in God.
The Mountain of Education
KBOE Radio message for October 22, 2023, with Mike Sereg: Seven Mountains of Influence - The Mountain of Education.
When We Worship
When do you praise the Lord? Is it just on Sunday mornings when you sing songs with fellow believers in a church service? Maybe you sing along to a familiar song occasionally on the radio? Thanking God before we eat a meal is giving credit where credit is due, and...
How I want it
In a world shapes by online stores we have developed an attitude that I better get everything how I want it. Is that, however, how prayer works?
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