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Be My Vision
KBOE Radio message for October 15, 2023, with Mike Sereg: Be My Vision
Comfort Zone
Do you function better when your day is predictable and goes as planned, or when new and exciting challenges come your way? My default preference is to get through a day without too many stressors, but I don’t always feel very productive on those days. I feel like I...
Even Good Kings Fail
In the OT there are many bad kings and few good ones. Even good kings fail. This teaches it’s not about success and failure, it’s about handling failure.
Pastor Lead or Elder Church?
KBOE Radio message for October 8, 2023, with Mike Sereg: .Pastor Lead or Elder Church? What works best?
Stop Thief!
Have you ever stolen anything? Many of us may recall a story from our childhood where we accidentally or intentionally walked out of a store with something we did not pay for, and if our parents found out, we may have been made to go back and correct the injustice...
Best Church Ever?
How do you like your church? If you are a part of a local congregation, what do you like most about attending there, and what would you change if you could? Maybe you are even one of those people who say ‘I like everything about my church’, which is great, but would...
The Mountain of Family
KBOE Radio message for September 24, 2023, with Mike Sereg: The Mountain of Family.
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