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The Mountain of Family
KBOE Radio message for September 24, 2023, with Mike Sereg: The Mountain of Family.
This past January, I plugged in my phone to recharge one night and it would not connect at all to power up, despite multiple attempts even through the next day. I was able to back-up my data before the phone finally died the next day. This scenario had...
Asking for help
As men, we are bold in many areas of our life. We our, however, not bold when it comes to asking for help, including asking for God’s help.
Come Around
Has anyone ever given you a suggestion that you thought was initially crazy or foolish, but later on you decided was a good idea? I’m sure there have been several things in our lives that took us a while to understand were actually good ideas. We may still be able...
Seeking to disqualify, not qualify
We are often tempted to disqualify others from God’s Church. We are often seeking to disqualify, not qualify. God, however, seeks to qualify the disqualified.
The Seven Mountains of Influence
KBOE Radio message for September 10, 2023, with Mike Sereg: The Seven Mountains of Influence.
What made you feel special when you were a child? Were you praised for anything specific you recall? I remember a couple of times in school a teacher praised something I did in front of the class, which both embarrassed me and made me feel good at the same time. As...
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