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According to Plan
How often do your plans play out exactly as you imagined them? Probably not very often, unless its how your toast turns out every morning, and even then there is some variability. Even if they don't turn out exactly as planned, often things still turn out ok, or...
Being Mediocre
God made us to be special, to make an impact on others. Instead of being the impactful salt God intended, are we just being mediocre?
'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus; ' Romans 3:23-24 Grace, what a beautiful word. It's a word that turned the world upside down and is still doing it today...
Decision Tree
This past week has been fairly eventful in my little world. We plan to leave in a couple days for our first out of state family trip in several years. It's not an extravagant trip, but it does take some planning as to when and where to go, coordinating hotels, when...
Faith + Works
We’ve likely ascribed to the following formula: minimal effort + maximum reward= a good life. There is a better formula: faith + works = God’s work.
Homeward Bound
My eight year old son left for camp for the first time yesterday. He has been looking forward to this for some time and is going with a few friends from church, so we have been optimistic as to how it will go. He has stayed away from home with his sister at his...
Founded upon God
Today we celebrate the founding of our country. What is the foundation of your life? Is it Founded upon God or upon other things? What needs to change?
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