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You Are Valued – Part 2
KBOE Radio message for September 9, 2024, with Mike Sereg: You are Valued - Part 2.
You are Valued
KBOE Radio message for September 1, 2024, with Mike Sereg: You are Valued
Receiving What We Want
We live in a very transactional culture. When we want something, we simply order it. We are so used to this system that when it does not work properly we get quite frustrated. Having worked in fast food for two years during high school, I'm here to tell you that...
Walking in Victory
KBOE Radio message for August 25, 2024, with Mike Sereg: Walking in Victory
Have you ever gone on a walk about? Maybe not the Australian style Walkabout, but maybe you just felt you needed to go on a walk to clear your head or to have some time to think about things. I can attest that going on a walk is usually good for what ails you or...
Walking in Harmony
KBOE Radio message for August 18, 2024, with Mike Sereg: Walking in Harmony
God’s Masterpiece
We spend a lot of our lives trying to answer the question: who are we? What is our identity, how do others see us, and how do we see ourselves? Let me brutally honest about something I've seen in men over the years. On the outside, we often appear like all is good and...
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