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Take Some Responsibility
For many centuries, between the writing of the New Testament and the Reformation, there were two spheres of life: religious and secular. Religious tasks were, more or less, solely the duty of the clergy. Most people could not even participate in communion or read the...
The Mystery is Revealed to Us!
KBOE Radio message for July 14, 2024, with Mike Sereg: The Mystery is Revealed to Us!
Your Time
The past couple weeks have been fairly intense. My wife was gone for military duty the last nine days of June, so our four kids had what I call a Dadication, which was exhausting, but actually went fairly well. Just prior to this my Uncle, who had lived over 90...
Brave living
We often talk about "acts of bravery." A soldier receives a commendation for bravely running through no mans land to save a comrade. A person on a walk becomes a local hero for rushing to the aid of someone having a heart attack. A pilot lands a disabled airplane...
Oneness in Christ
KBOE Radio message for July 6, 2024, with Mike Sereg. Ephesians: Oneness in Christ.
One Nation Under God?
Happy Birthday America! What does Independence Day mean to you? Maybe its a chance to eat a meal with family and friends, watch a parade, stand under some exploding lights, or stop and reflect on how blessed or privileged you are today, among other things? Do you...
Willing to be a Student
Growing up, school was pretty easy for me. Most subjects came naturally, and I could breeze through with minimal effort. Math, however, was a massive exception. No matter how much I tried, math always seemed completely incompressible (especially when random letters...
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