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God’s Masterpiece
We spend a lot of our lives trying to answer the question: who are we? What is our identity, how do others see us, and how do we see ourselves? Let me brutally honest about something I've seen in men over the years. On the outside, we often appear like all is good and...
I was listening to a lecture the other day and the speaker asked the question of what type of church growth was best. Would it be to just increase average attendance at a church on Sunday mornings, whether they be people migrating from other churches, or new people...
Ambassadors for Christ
I spent most of high school trying to define who I was. At various times I tried to fit in with the sports, popular, nerd, geek, stoner, and music crowds, constantly jumping from one thing to the next to "find myself." To one degree or another, I think that's pretty...
Walking in Purity
KBOE Radio message for August 4, 2024, with Mike Sereg: Walking in Purity - Ephesians 4:17-5:17.
Cut the lying
Years ago I read the book The Big Short by Michael Lewis (which inspired the movie). The book is a re-telling of the causes and events leading up to the subprime mortgage crisis, which eventually led to the 2008 global economic crisis. While the whole subprime...
Walk In Unity Part 2: Five-Fold Ministry
KBOE Radio message for July 28, 2024, with Mike Sereg: Walk In Unity Part 2: 5-Fold Ministry
Always Go for the Win
I went through this stage of life where my body periodically decided breathing was an optional biological function. My lungs would jet off to Hawaii for the weekend, and I'd get to have a nice little party at the local hospital. During one of these lovely episodes...
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