Ephesians 6:10-11 New International Version
The Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God,so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
The word he mentioned two times in two verses is put on all of God’s armor and stand against all strategies. There is not half way here. Would you leave your home in the morning and forget your coat, keys, wallet, or cell phone? If you are like me, I have got a mental check list before I leave the house. God is saying the same thing here about His armor. Put it ALL on. Do not forget one piece. You are going to need it. Be strong, be courageous in fighting against the enemy.
Fellowship of the Sword Midwest – Men, This is something you need to do!
March 6-11, 2016 – Must sign up by January 31, 2016
Go to Fellowship of the Sword for more details.
This is a guaranteed life changing event for men.
Men, we are having our quarterly event where we all come together in fellowship, and we can bring our sons. The speaker is Brandon Sereg. He is a youth pastor in Kansas City, Kansas. He has a wife, Johna, and two children. Brandon is also my son. He is passionate about Christ, and he will be kicking off our new series – ‘Destiny’.
When: February 1, 2016
Where: Newton Church of the Way, Newton, Iowa
Time: Doors open at 6:00
Food: Country Catering – Come hungry – The Food Is Fabulous
Cost for Food: $7.00
BOOK OF THE MONTH – Step Into Your Purpose
Strength and Courage