Proverbs 4:23New International Version (NIV)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
How is your heart? Is it a hardened heart or a soft heart? The Bible says the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked. I believe that it is because we are so easily influenced by the world around us and our hearts need guarding.
We find in Scripture in the Bible that is teaches us that the real issues of life are spiritual and are really matters of the heart. Maybe this is why we find the word ‘heart’ threaded throughout the Bible so many times.
I find in my own every day life, if I do not guard my heart, it becomes hardened and numb from disappointments in people to the disappointments that come in life.
My thought for us today is how do we keep from having hard hearts? It is through the giving of yourself. It is in giving that we allow our hearts to be vulnerable. A giving heart gives us accountability, and a giving heart means that I am involved in the lives of other people.
The handbook for having a hardened heart or a soft heart is found in the Bible. Reading the Bible keeps the heart softer. How is your heart condition?
Vital Biker Rides – Our two remaining motorcycle rides are couples rides – Yes, bring your wife – July 16-17 and August 5-6 – This is a great opportunity to meet other couples and see God’s creation – Go to for more details – Let’s Ride!!