What’s the Odds?

by | Mar 10, 2023 | Vital Men Devotions

‘Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” ‘ Genesis 28:15

The application deadlines for western big game hunts have closed or are soon to.  This is an exciting and fun time for me.  It’s the dawn of a new season, new prospects and renewed anticipation of drawing an ever elusive, coveted tag.  I invest a good deal of time, energy and resources in researching the game I hope to pursue this coming fall, the states I would like to hunt, the units within the state, then down to the nooks and crannies within those units.  It’s necessary, tedious, frustrating and wrought with angst, but fun at the same time.  I have completed our apps for Elk, Mule Deer and Bighorn Sheep.  From this point, no amount of worrying or second guessing will change the outcome ahead.  It’s just hurry up and wait.  

Honestly, the odds of drawing even one of the tags I applied for are extraordinarily slim.  They are all highly sought after, coveted tags.  That’s alright, though.  If I draw one of these low odd lotteries, great!  If I don’t, no worries, I have a back up.  I will purchase a guaranteed over the counter tag and head west all the same. 

Each of us knows someone, once was our self and some still are willing to rest all of our hopes, dreams, desires and goals on those low odds, highly coveted tags.  How many walk through life asking the question, “what if you’re wrong?  What if this really is all there is?” So, if that’s the case, even understanding the extremely low odds, that’s what they are willing to hang their hope on!  That’s crazy!  I won’t rest the hopes of my hunting season on tags with greater odds than that, but they’ll hang the hope of their eternity on it?!  I want a guarantee!  There are millions, billions of people walking through life applying for tags that aren’t going to come through.  Yet, if they but choose to, they can head elsewhere, stroll up to the counter and be guaranteed one!  

I want to head west and bow hunt every fall, if able, and am perfectly confident that I can.  Why, because I know where to go and be assured the opportunity.  I’m going to spend eternity in paradise with my Lord and Father.  Again, I am perfectly confident of that.  Why, because I know where to go and He has assured me that opportunity… a guaranteed tag!!!  Have a blessed weekend!    

‘Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. ‘ John 14:6 

In full pursuit of the greatest Trophy

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